Monday, September 16, 2024

Three Prayers

 [These are three prayers of my own composition that I pray daily. Perhaps others might find them helpful as well.] 

Prayer For Divine Correction


Receive, beloved God,
all my words, deeds, and intentions of this day:
complete them, correct them, if necessary replace them entirely with your own: 
so that your words may be heard, your deeds done, your intentions fulfilled, for the good of those whom you love.


Recipe, amate Deus, 
omnia mea verba, facta, intentionesque huius diei:
ea perfice, corrige, si oportet muta pro tuis:
ut audiantur verba tua, faciantur facta tua, compleantur intentiones tuae, ad bonum eorum quos amas.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin for Healing


True and loving Mother of God,|
Take me into your arms, embrace me, caress me, and kiss me,
And remove from my midst all those lies which the Devil has inscribed in my flesh,
in my body, heart, mind, and soul, in order to hinder the work of God.
Heal me and save me, most sweet mother.


Vera et amans Dei Mater,
Recipe me in brachias tuas, me complectere, me mulce, me basia,
Et omnia mendacia quae diabolus ut operi Dei impediat
inscripsit in meam carnem, in corpus et cor et mentem et animam meam,
a medio me remove.
Me sana et salvum fac, dulcissima mater.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Before Sleep


I entrust into your hands all my own affairs:
property, duties, cares, souls.
Guard them while I sleep,
and do for them all the good which I cannot:
find what is lost,
fix what is broken,
attend to what is forgotten,
heal what is wounded.
Oh most blessed Mother of God, I beseech you,
make my life whole, and lead everything to God.

I have hoped in you, Mary;
let me never be put to shame.


commendo in manus tuas omnes meas res: 
propria, officia, curas, animas.
Dum dormio, eas custodi:
fac eis omne bonum quod non possum ego:
erratam inveni;
fractam repara;
ad oblitam attende;
vulneratam sana.
O beatissima Mater Dei, te quaeso:
fac meam vitam integram, et duc totam ad Deum.

Speravi in te, Maria;
non confundar in aeternum.

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